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School Fuel

Heather Bedard, C.H.E.

It’s Back-to-school time! I know for those of you who are sending your kids off to school in the next few weeks, the whole process comes with its own annoyance of weeks of colds, coughing, the random flu, stomach bug, or whatever happens to be going around at the time. All our precious littles are coming together and sharing their billions of delightful, immune boosting germs. You get that to look forward to!

Here’s what you probably don’t want to hear. Your child’s immune system is built over years of exposure to different bacteria and viruses and provides the framework from which future health is built. This begins with the delivery of your child into the world by the transference of bacteria from the mother to the child, the growth of beneficial bacteria through breastfeeding, the antibodies transferred from mother to child through the breastmilk, and gradual exposure to various pathogens in the early years.

While none of us like to see our children not feeling well, this process is critical to stimulating and strengthening their immune response as they grow. Did you know that once you contract certain respiratory viruses, the body has memory cells that allow it to begin fighting the disease before specific antibodies are produced? It’s so cool!

On top of that, your body has what’s called a microbiome, which is like a little community of bacteria, fungi, viruses etc. that live on and in your body. Your skin has a microbiome, your mouth has a microbiome, and your gut has a microbiome. These bacteria are meant to live in a beautiful balance. This balance is key to your immune system being effective and exposed to pathogens without making you feel sick or even allowing you to recover quickly.

There are many benefits to the sanitary and hygienic systems we have in place today. I mean you don’t hear a ton about cholera and typhoid. But there are also some drawbacks. This includes the incessant encouragement to use antibacterial hand sanitizing, antibacterial mouthwashes, and poor diet that leads to an imbalance of bacteria in the intestine.

Over 80% of your immune system is sourced in your gut, so you can see why keeping your intestines at their absolute best is going to pay dividends in your health and your ability to fight sickness. There has to be a balance in cleanliness and also killing off all of the things that are there to keep your immune system functioning properly.

So, here are five ways that you can simply, and easily, keep your kids in optimal health to prevent sickness and recover quickly if they do get sick:

1. Teach them about the microbiome and how sickness is not something to be feared, but how you can support your body the best that you can. Based on the research, stop the overuse of hand sanitizer, and just wash your hands. It is far more effective for removing pathogens.

2. Get out in the sun. Encourage your children to get in the sun for at least 30 minutes each day. Vitamin D from the sun will support your immune system as well as help you build strong bones.

3. Eliminate dairy. Dairy contributes to juvenile type I diabestes. Researchers from Finland analyzed blood samples from 221 children between the ages of 4 and 12. 100% of the 142 diabetic children and elevated antibodies to cows’ milk protein, non of the other non-diabetic children did. Some researchers believe that the risk of developing juvenile type I diabetes is 11.3 times higher for genetically susceptible children who drink cow’s milk. To put this in perspective, this means that some children who drink cow’s milk have a greater risk of developing type 1 diabetes than a smoker has of developing cancer. On top of all of this, dairy is associated with many forms of cancer as well as multiple sclerosis. In my opinion, Got milk? Throw it away.

4. Sanitize your space – I mean this in the sense, of clean out your pantry and fridge and have optimal choices on hand. Remember, you are the one buying the food. So, you decide what your family eats. Don’t expect to keep processed snacks, chips, cookies, and treats in the pantry and your kids want to avoid them. One of the biggest keys to eating healthy is to have it prepped and ready. Wash your fruits and vegetables as soon as you get them and have the available and easy to access for snacks. If your kids go to school and can pack a lunch, maybe consider a bento box where they can choose their individual items and create their lunch themselves. If unhealthy foods are not available, it is far less likely that you will engage in a fight about it, and in the bento box example, you can give your kids the confidence to learn about how to make their own decisions. One of the best things you could do would be to learn about the food pyramid that I use at Dynamic Health Freedom so that you can teach your children and give them the why behind the decisions you are making. It makes them feel a part of the process and has really made a difference for me with my children because they make better choices, know their boundaries without me having to argue with them…and they hold me accountable.

5. Drink water! – As much as you can, avoid your children drinking energy drinks, juices, sports drinks etc…Many of these are filled with ingredients and food colorings that are known to affect cognitive function. Flavored water as well takes a significantly longer time to reach your cells to hydrate them because the juices and flavors activate the digestive system, and your body thinks you are eating. Teach your children to drink at least half their body weight in ounces.

With these simple tips, you can set you and your kids up for success this school year!


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