About Heather
I used to constantly question myself...
"Am I making the right choices for my kids? What makes me think I know something my doctor may not know? How do I find sustainable weight loss with all the diet fads floating around? How do I know that what I'm being told is the whole story?"
These questions set me on a path to find out how I could set myself, and my family, up for the healthiest lifestyle possible while having the confidence to inevitably go against the flow of mainstream medical advice.
As a mother, I understand the strong desire to raise a healthy family.
I also have experienced the immense difficulty in trying to navigate the healthcare system and try to find the truth about treatments, drugs, and my health.
I quickly realized that the doctors I was interacting with didn't have an understanding of nutrition or have the resources to help me find the answers I was looking for.
It was time I learned to make informed decisions.

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I have found that knowledge is power and that the truth can be elusive but the answers are out there! My focus now is helping to educate individuals and families on health interventions, weight loss, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune conditions, and the pro's and con's of drugs, treatments, and screenings, so that they can feel confident when speaking to their doctor. My hope is that this will bring confidence when making healthCARE decisions for themselves and their families. I pursued this goal through a certification in Health Education through Wellness Forum Health.
be fearless
Dynamic Health Freedom
As owner and founder of Dynamic Health Freedom, Heather utilizes this company as a part of her vision to empower people in their medical decision making process. She offers personal coaching as well as educational courses and resources to help men, women, and children to take back control of their health and find strategy to live free and fearless.